About Us

We are a private investment fund oriented to the mining sector, dedicated to the promotion of cash flow (leverage) provided in small and medium-sized companies in the mining sector.


Nuestra misión es continuar brindando a nuestros inversores un servicio confiable y accesible; así mismo, ofrecerles productos exclusivos de inversión con constantes crecimientos económicos que satisfagan sus necesidades de rentabilidad, generando buen rendimiento financiero con bajo riesgo.


Nuestra visión es ser una empresa líder en manejo de fondos de inversión y apalancamiento de empresas en el sector minero peruano, generando la más alta rentabilidad, seguridad y confiabilidad en nuestros clientes, mantenimiento nuestra atención personalizada y asesoría especializada. Además, continuar aportando al crecimiento y expansión minera, impulsando así la economía miles de hogares.


Contamos con gran experiencia, mayor a diez años y prestigio en el mercado.

Savile es liderada por un equipo de trabajo profesional y un talentoso equipo ejecutivo con amplia experiencia en el rubro de estructuración financiera.

More than 10 years dedicated to the promotion of mining projects, generating excellent returns for our investors

Company Pillars

Our investment society is committed to providing an exclusive treatment and superior profitability than conventional savings.


We understand the responsibility we have towards our investors, therefore in addition to offering profitability, we prioritize trust with our clients, we guarantee security and excellent service.


We understand the responsibility we have towards our investors, therefore in addition to offering profitability, we prioritize trust with our clients, we guarantee security and excellent service.


We understand the responsibility we have towards our investors, therefore in addition to offering profitability, we prioritize trust with our clients, we guarantee security and excellent service.


We understand the responsibility we have towards our investors, therefore in addition to offering profitability, we prioritize trust with our clients, we guarantee security and excellent service.


We understand the responsibility we have towards our investors, therefore in addition to offering profitability, we prioritize trust with our clients, we guarantee security and excellent service.


We understand the responsibility we have towards our investors, therefore in addition to offering profitability, we prioritize trust with our clients, we guarantee security and excellent service.

We provide personalized and exclusive service to our investors



Our contracts are drafted by Canova & Associates Law Firm, specialized in the legal and financial sector.

Mining Investment

Mining Investment

In Peru, mining contributes 14% to the national GDP, providing 63,217 direct jobs and 122,769 indirect jobs. In this vein, foreign exchange from mining has represented on average 60% of Peru's exports over the last 10 years.

Future Vision

Future Vision

The massive adoption of EVs (electric vehicles) around the world responds to zero emission policies for 2050, therefore, the demand for lithium could multiply by 40 by the year 2040. Becoming one of the minerals with the highest demand and value.