We offer investment products that meet the profitability
needs of our clients.

Savile Panama is a strategic ally for companies through financial solutions tailored to their needs, contributing to their development and economic growth.

About Us

We are a private investment fund oriented to the mining sector, dedicated to the promotion of cash flow (leverage) provided in small and medium-sized companies in the mining sector.


Nuestra misión es continuar brindando a nuestros inversores un servicio confiable y accesible; así mismo, ofrecerles productos exclusivos de inversión con constantes crecimientos económicos que satisfagan sus necesidades de rentabilidad, generando buen rendimiento financiero con bajo riesgo.


Nuestra visión es ser una empresa líder en manejo de fondos de inversión y apalancamiento de empresas en el sector minero peruano, generando la más alta rentabilidad, seguridad y confiabilidad en nuestros clientes, mantenimiento nuestra atención personalizada y asesoría especializada. Además, continuar aportando al crecimiento y expansión minera, impulsando así la economía miles de hogares.


Contamos con gran experiencia, mayor a diez años y prestigio en el mercado.

Savile es liderada por un equipo de trabajo profesional y un talentoso equipo ejecutivo con amplia experiencia en el rubro de estructuración financiera.



We know the responsibility we have towards our investors, and therefore in addition to offering profitability, we offer low risk for our strategic alliances within the legal, financial and mining sectors.

Therefore, in order to sustain the quality of our portfolio, we remain alert to any change that may occur in the situation of our country to provide security, profitability and low risk to our investors



Our investments are oriented to the mining sector, offering good returns in the market, which are reflected in the profits of our investors.

The Investment Funds become an autonomous patrimony integrated by voluntary contributions of natural and legal persons, for their investment in instruments, financial operations and other assets, under the management of a Public Limited Company who Manages the Investment Fund.